Liz Joekes
Liz is a radiologist with a specialist interest in infectious diseases and tropical medicine. She has a part-time clinical role in the NHS in Liverpool (UK) and is currently working with the African Research Collaboration on Sepsis (ARCS) at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine on a study exploring the potential role of point of care ultrasound in patients presenting with sepsis in Malawi, Gabon and Uganda. She has a longstanding interest in the potential of point of care ultrasound, sparked by her experience of working as a radiologist in Ghana and Malawi. She is also collaborating on a validation study of bedside ultrasound in patients presenting with acute breathlessness in Kenya. She is co-founder and Director of Worldwide Radiology, an NGO with the aim of improving access to affordable diagnostic imaging in resource-restricted settings, including point of care ultrasound.