Mario Tumbarello
Mario graduated cum laude in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Roma. Specialized in Infectious Diseases at the Catholic University of Sacred Heart of Roma. Full professor of Infectious Diseases, Department of Medical Biotechnologies, University of Siena.
Head, Infectious Diseases Clinic, AOUS Policlinico Le Scotte, Siena Italy. For many years he has been an infectious disease consultant, first at the A. Gemelli Hospital in Rome and now at the Le Scotte Hospital in Siena. Professor of Infectious Diseases in the course of Medicine and Surgery at the University of Siena.
Professor of Infectious Diseases in the post-graduate schools of the University of Siena and of the Catholic University of Sacred Heart. Supervisor of the thesis for students in Medicine and Surgery and for specialists in Infectious Diseases.
Invited speaker at many international conferences. Author of more than 200 papers cited in PubMed, the majority of them on epidemiology and clinical aspects of healthcare-associated infections caused by antimicrobial-resistant bacteria and fungi. The total Impact factor is 1170, the citations on Google Scholar are 15150 with an H-index of 69.
He is a research project manager of grants on hospital infections and antibiotic resistance funded by the Italian Ministry of University and the Catholic University of Sacred Heart and participated in research projects, funded by the Italian Ministry of Health, AIFA, and Italian Institute of Health.
Mario directs research groups on multidrug-resistant infections, participates to board for the management of clinical trials, and has experience in clinical trials in accordance with Good Clinical Practice.