Tom van der Poll

Tom is Professor of Medicine and Chair of the Department of Medicine in the Amsterdam University Medical Center. He is board-certified in Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases. His training included a postdoctoral research fellowship in Cornell University Medical College in New York (1993-1995). Toms's research focuses on pneumonia and sepsis, particularly on pathogenesis, the host response, immunotherapy, and biomarkers. He is the former chair of the International Sepsis Forum and was a member of international committees that established the new sepsis definitions (JAMA 2016) and “surviving sepsis guidelines” (ICM 2016). He was elected as a member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2019. His Web of Science report (January 2021) lists 1000 publications, that were cited >55000 times (>7000x in 2020). His H-index is 110.